DANCING HEART Camp 2011Latvia, Kaltene, "Zivtiņi"
In 2011 Latvian Network has organized 3rd international DANCING HEART CAMP and we had guests from Wales, Estonia, New Zealand, Finland, USA, and Russia.
Dear dance camp family,
Thank you so much for the beautiful time we spent with you and everyone at this very special gathering. I feel like the more we gather with international family, the more we realize that countries and borders don't really exist... we can look into the eyes of another and see our own selves. Anywhere we are, we are of the same clay.
May the sunshine caress your face,
and the earth provide strong ground on which to walk,
and the water cleanse and heal all wounds,
and the wind lift you in flight.
So much beauty all around us, so many mirrors in which to see our light and our shadow. Treading lightly on this Earth, remembering, loving, listening, giving, receiving, giving thanks.
Thank you all so much for sharing your gifts, talents, and stories. It has truly been a blessing.
Peace and laughter, (and big furry hugs)
Yelena ( US)
… мечта сбылась – этот лагерь был кусочком Небес на Земле! Любовь просто текла сквозь нас, сквозь Пространство, наполняя и переполняя наши Танцующие Сердца, …изливалась кристальным потоком радости и лучезарного света... Игривые лучи рассветного солнца и шум янтарного моря нас приветствовали почти каждое утро, а дальше нас ждало путешествие по неизведанным уголкам нашей души через дикие шаманские ритуалы у моря с Сандрой, глубокие суфийские практики с Премом, Салли, Силье и Сандрой, прогулки по местам викингов, душевные беседы под луной и растворение в Танцах. И сердечные объятья, в которых хотелось остаться навсегда.
Это был Dancing Hug & Kissing Heart Camp…
Dance leaders in the Dancing Heart Camp 2011:
Prem & Sally ( Aotearoa- New Zealand)
Prem I was deeply touched when I discovered the Dances in Hawkes Bay in 1990. This was a time of great transformation and total change of lifestyle for me. In 2000 I finally took the plunge and began seriously leading. My journey with the Dances has evolved from the days when I was a playful, free spirit attracted by the love and lightness of Dance Camps to a place where the Dances and Sufism have become my spiritual path and a great source of fulfillment, and leading Dances my main focus.
Sally I live my life sharing my passion for the Dances of Universal Peace at home in Aotearoa New Zealand and travelling overseas. I lead dances in Auckland, and love visiting Dance circles and Dance events around Aotearoa NZ; supporting, leading and being a dancer. I feel very blessed, as part of my journey, to have led and been on staff at Camps in Europe in 2008 and 2009. I trained to lead the dances with Shafia Stevens, and became a certified leader in 2008.
Silje Devi ( Estonia)
Our dear neighbor Silje has been leading Dances of Universal Peace since 1998. Besides of Estonia, she has led DUP and Sufi events in Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine and UK. She has been co-organizer of the Dance camps and Sufi retreats in Estonia over the last 12 years.
Murshid Saadi is her inspiring Sufi guide, but she has learnt a lot from many other great teachers, including Murshid Saul Barodofsky from Dervish Healing Order. Silje likes to share the joy, peace, harmony and feeling of Unity through the Dances and Sufi practices. The Dances, which Silje leads in a simple but deep way, are coming from her heart and are filling the souls with the fragrance of love and harmony.
Sandra Sunfire & Geoff
Sandra Sunfire is an experienced and accomplished DUP leader, with a profound Heart space, and a quiet, unassuming nature. She effortlessly provides a safe and grounded haven and an opportunity for deep healing, for all who attend the ongoing circle at Derwenlas Hall in Wales and at the other events she has focused over the years. She is delighted to be returning to the warm hearts of the people she has met from Latvia over the years and to revisit your beautiful country.
We also had Renee from Czech Republic and local leaders – SaraYana, Valkyria and Saraswati.